Welcome to Samsung Security
for Smart TV, Audio and Displays
We believe that the security and privacy protection
offered by Samsung Smart TV, Audio
and Displays are paramount
to creating some of the world's most trustworthy products and services.
That is why we are always committed to offering steadfast security
privacy protection in order to provide our customers with the optimal experience.
The security and privacy of the customer is considered a top priority.
To achieve this a dedicated team of security experts continues to carry out various security
activities for Samsung Smart TV, Audio, Displays and services.
This site provides important security updates and information related to our products and services. We always strive to provide an agile and robust, security incident response mechanism.
Samsung Bug Bounty for Smart TV, Audio and Displays is a program to find security vulnerabilities early on and to compensate bounty hunters for their achievements.
We encourage security experts from all over the world to work with us.